25 August, 2010

Shocking: Timbaland Chased by the Cops!

Master producer Timbaland, known from .. Well forget it, you know him! Anyway Timbaland was chased down by the cops yesterday. Not for public safety, but for his own. His family feared that Timbo would hurt himself after a $ 2 Million piece of Jewelry was stolen from him. His fam warned the police department and they went all out to find Thomas Crown: Helicopters, squad cars, you name it! After a while, he was found in his Escalade.
Personally, I think Timbo just wanted to have some time alone & went for a drive. I mean, you wouldn’t feel good after jewelry of that value was stolen from you. But when you’re a celeb, that’s just how it is.Today also marks the death of Aaliyah, an artist & friend who Timbaland was very close to. R.I.P Aaliyah & Besh wishes to Tim & his fam!